(Adopted by the Main Committee on 16th November 2020) (Ratified at the Annual General Meeting on 7th December 2020
1. Preliminary
1.1 The name of the Club is SHENFIELD CRICKET CLUB
1.2 The Club colours are blue and gold.
2. Club Objectives
2.1 To provide a top-quality environment that encourages success and supports participation in the playing of amateur cricket, at junior and senior level, whilst acting as a hub for cricket development within the local community and such other ancillary activities for the benefit of members as the Main Committee may decide.
2.2 To manage, maintain and improve the Club ground and buildings at Courage's Playing Field, Chelmsford Road, Shenfield.
3. Permitted means of advancing the Objectives
The Main Committee has the power to:
3.1 Acquire and provide grounds, equipment, coaching, training and playing facilities, pavilion, transport, medical equipment and related social and other facilities.
3.2 Take out any insurance for Club committee, employees, contractors, players, guests and third parties.
3.3 Raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, loans and charges.
3.4 Borrow money and give security for the same, and open bank accounts.
3.5 Make grants and loans and give guarantees and provide other benefits.
3.6 Set aside or apply funds for special objectives or as reserves.
3.7 Deposit or invest funds in any lawful manner.
3.8 Employ and engage staff and others who provide services.
3.9 Co-operate with any organisation, club, sporting body, local Council, government or government-related agencies and do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the objectives.
3.10 Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment.
3.11 Employ members and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the person concerned being present.
3.12 Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests.
3.13 Indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club {but only to the extent of its assets).
3.14 At the discretion of the Main Committee, the pavilion may be hired by members and non-members alike, for private functions. The responsibility for hirings may be delegated tothe Bar Manager. The bar may be opened for private functions, but only if operated by sec members/bar staff"
3.15 Do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the objectives.
NONE of the above powers may be used other than to advance the Club objectives and be consistent with the general law.
4. Affiliation
4.1 The Club is affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) through theEssex County Cricket Board.
4.2 The Club and its members shall ensure that members, playing and non-playing, abide by the Club's Code of Conduct {see Appendix 1), the ECB Code of Conduct which incorporates the Spirit of Cricket {see Appendix 2) and by the Laws of Cricket - https://www.lords.org/mcc/about-the-laws-of-cricket and are aware of our Statement of Core Values, {See Appendix 3) all of which are displayed prominently in the pavilion and are on the sec website.
4.3 The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Safe Hands - Cricket's Policy for Safeguarding Children and any future versions of the policy. The Club must also have a separate Club Safeguarding Policy Statement, as required by the ECB.
4.4 The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Cricket Unleashed Strategy, the One Game Strategy, ECB Club Inclusion and Diversity Policy, the Equality Act 2010 and any future versions of these policies. [Note: The terms "Chairman", "him", "he" and "his" are used for consistencythroughout this document but content could apply to anygender.]
4.5 The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct and any future versions of this policy.
5. Membership
5.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport of cricket on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religionor other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
5.2 The level of subscriptions will be decided at Annual General Meetings and notified to the members.
5.3 The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non - discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will have an equitable pricing policy and will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
5.4 Application for membership of the Club shall be by completion of a membership form. There is to be no proposer and seconder process. Approval can be given by the Club Chairman or his nominee(s). If the applicant is refused membership, he has the right to lodge an Appeal - see Section 9 - Removal of Membership, Discipline and Appeals.
5.5 No person shall be eligible to take part in the business of the Club, vote at meetings or be eligible for selection for any Club team unless the applicable subscription has been paid by the due date and/or membership has been approved. Membership may be refused,or removed, but only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or cricket into disrepute and:
5.6 The procedure for taking disciplinary action against a member, including removing membership, is dealt with in Section 9 - Removal of Membership, Discipline and Appeals.
5.7 Currently, there are the following classes of membership, namely, Non-playingmembers (Social), Playing Members (Adult and Junior), Vice Presidents and the President.
5.8 Adult Playing Members must pay the required subscription before 3pt May each year.
5.9 Junior Playing Members must be less than 18 years of age on the 31st May of the current year and must pay the required subscription on or before the first training sessions at the end of April.
5.10 A Non-Playing Member must pay the required Social Member subscription before 31st May, unless granted free Membership by virtue of being the parent of a Junior Playing Member. Non-playing members must be persons who, although not wishing to play cricket, are interested in, and sympathetic with, the objectives of the Club and invited to make a donation and/or to participate in the 100 Club.
5.11 The President and Vice-Presidents may be proposed from those who have rendered noteworthy services to the Club which in the opinion of the Main Committee are deserving of such recognition, subject to election at the AGM. The President and Vice-Presidents are invited to make a donation and/or to participate in the 100 Club.
5.12 Members, officials and spectators of all visiting Clubs shall have equal rights of access to the facilities of the Club as full members, for the duration of their visit to our Club on match days.
5.13 A member shall cease to be a member if he shall submit his resignation to the Hon. Secretary or if he shall fail to pay any subscription by the 31st May or match fee within a week of it being due. The return of any subscription paid by a resigning member is at the discretion of the Main Committee or Colts Committee, whichever appropriate.
5.14 A member can be expelled for any gross breach of the Code of Conduct, which in the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee, is, or may be, liable to bring the Club into disrepute, providing that before expulsion he shall be notified of the complaint made against him and give him reasonable opportunity to attend before them and state his case. After this, if he disagrees with the verdict he has the right to state his case to the Appeals Committee.
5.15 All members must abide by the Club's Constitution, Code of Conduct and Core Values. These key documents, for Members, Guests and non-member volunteers, are always to be displayed prominently in the pavilion, to ensure that all are aware of them, and the requirement to abide by them. Full details can also be located on the Club website.
5.16 The Club Chairman and Club Secretary will keep a register of members.
5.17 Membership is not transferable and shall cease on death.
5.18 A member may resign by verbal or e-mail notice to the Chairman or Secretary.
6. Committees, Officers and Meetings
6.1 The affairs of the Club, in all matters not in these rules reserved for the Club in Annual General Meetings, shall be managed by the Main Committee of the Club which shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and, where appropriate, the Colts Committee, a sub Committee of the Main Committee. The Main Committee shall consist ofthe Officers of the Club, as listed at 6.5 below, plus up to 6 other members. A quorum for the Main Committee shall be 10 members.
6.2 The Main Committee may delegate any of their functions to sub-committees (including the Colts Committee) but must specify in their Terms of Reference the scope of its activity and powers; the extent to which it can commit the funds of the Club; its membership; its duty to report back to the Committee. The Main Committee may wind up any sub-committee at any time or change its mandate and operating terms. The Colts Committeeshall consist of at least 5 members. All sub-committees must comprise a majority of elected Main Committee members unless otherwise authorized by the Main Committee. No sub-committee may meet without at least two members of the Main Committee being present.
6.3 Consideration for the composition of sub-Committees should be given to skills needed and diversity, also practical steps taken to comply with legislation relating to bothThe Equality Act 2010 and the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
6.4 The Committee may co-opt Club members to fill a vacancy or as an additional Committee member to serve until the end of the next AGM.
6.5 The Officers shall be the Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Social Secretary, Membership Secretary, League Delegate, Colts Chairman, Ground Manager, Clubhouse Manager, Webmaster, Media & Communications Officer, Facilities Manager, Clubmark Co-ordinator, Jack Petchey Co-ordinator, the Club Captainand all Team Captains (or in their absence only - Vice Captains).
6.5.1 In addition, there must be a Club Welfare Officer to ensure compliance with safeguarding legislation and the ECB Safe Hands Policy. The Club Welfare Officer shall report to relevant Committee meetings and the reports, together with any action taken, must be minuted.
6.5.2 The Club shall also appoint a Club Auditor, a Play-Cricket.com Administrator and a 100 Club Manager, each of which shall be entitled to attend Committee meetings without voting rights.
6.6 The Main Committee and the Colts Committee shall meet at least four times each year. At least three of the Committee must be unrelated to each other and not co habiting. Sub-committees shall meet as frequently as determined in their Terms of Reference.
6.7 Notices of meetings shall be sent by e-mail at least seven days in advance. A technical defect in the giving of notice of which the members or the Committee are unaware at the time does not invalidate decisions taken at a meeting. Meetings shall normally be held in person, but in an emergency (eg pandemic) may be held by electronic means such as video conferencing (eg Zoom).
6.8 The Hon. Secretary shall keep proper minutes of all meetings of the Main Committee and the Annual General Meeting. Colts Committee and other sub-committee Meetings should also be minuted. Minutes are to be circulated to all members of the respective Committee or Sub-committee and the Club Chairman within 14 days of the meeting. Minutes should also be made available on request to any Member who wishes to receive a copy (with any confidential matters redacted).
6.9 All Committee Members shall have one vote each. In the event of equality of votes the Chairman (or in his absence, the person appointed to take the chair) shall have the casting vote. The Quorum at Main Committee Meetings shall be 10 members present, and for the Colts Committee 5 members present.
6.10 Whenever a member of any Committee has a personal interest in a matter to be discussed he/she must declare it, withdraw from that part of the meeting (unless asked tostay), not be counted in the quorum for that agenda item and withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter concerned. Conflicts of Interest must be recorded and minuted.
6.11 If any Officer is unable to attend Committee meetings or attend to his/her duties for an extended period of time the Committee may, at its discretion, grant leave of absence or ask the Committee member to stand down, subject always that the best interests of the Club are protected.
6.12 Disciplinary and Appeals Committees will be formed as required according to circumstances. Further details under Section 9 - Removal of Membership, Discipline and Appeals.
7. Annual General Meetings
7.1 The Club will hold an AGM once in every calendar year or not more than 15 months after the last AGM. A quorum shall be 15 members.
7.2 At every AGM, the members will fix membership subscriptions for the year, elect officers for the Main Committee, to serve until the next AGM and elect the Club Presidentand Vice Presidents. The Treasurer will produce the audited accounts of the Club for thelatest financial year. The Chairman will present a report on the Club's activities since the previous AGM.
7.3 The members will discuss and vote on any resolution and deal with any other business put to the meeting.
8. Extraordinary General Meetings {EGM)
8.1 An EGM shall be called by the Secretary within 7 calendar days of a request to that effect from the Committee or on the written request (e-mail acceptable) of not less than 5members. Such EGM shall be held on not less than 7 calendar days nor more than 14 calendar days' notice at a place decided upon by the Committee or in default by the Chair. Ifthe Committee fails to call a meeting within 7 calendar days of receiving a valid request from the members then the requisitionists may themselves call a meeting, the costs of which will be reimbursed by the Club. A quorum shall be 15 members.
9. Removal of Membership, Discipline and Appeals
9.1 Any complaints regarding the behaviour of members, guests or volunteers should be lodged in writing with the Secretary.
9.2 Any person that is the subject of a written complaint or appeal shall be notified of theprocedures to be followed by the relevant committee in reasonable time to prepare for any hearing.
9.3 The Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary Sub-Committee comprising not less than three elected club officials or Main Committee members all of whom can be adjudged to berelied upon to deal with the subject matter in a fair and impartial manner and who will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of a complaint being lodged. Any person requested to attend a Disciplinary Sub-Committee shall be entitled to be accompanied by a friend orother representative. The individual subject of the complaint, the complainant and the Committee shall be entitled to call witnesses. The Disciplinary Sub Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action on behalf of the Committee, including the termination of membership or exclusion from Club premises.
9.4 The outcome of the disciplinary hearing shall be put in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the person against whom the complaint was made within 7 calendar days following the hearing.
9.5 There shall be a right of appeal within 14 calendar days of receipt of the disciplinary decision or decision to refuse membership:
9.5.1 Against the Disciplinary Sub-Committee's findings or the sanctionimposed or both; and
9.5.2 Against the Committee's refusal to admit a new member.
9.5.3 In either case, the Main Committee shall appoint an Appeals Committee which shall have a maximum of three members which shall not include members involved with the initial disciplinary hearing but may, at the Main Committee's discretion include non-members of the Club. The Appeals Committee shall consider the appeal within 14 calendar days of the Secretary receiving the appeal. The individual who submitted the appeal shall be entitled to be accompanied by a friend or other representative and to call witnesses. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding on all parties.
10. Subscription, Finances and Accounts
10.1 Notice of the subscriptions and match fees for the coming seasons shall be displayed on the club website.
10.2 All subscriptions are payable by the 31st May in each year or upon election to membership.
10.3 The financial year of the Club shall commence on 1st October annually.
10.4 The Treasurer shall keep proper books of account as will enable him to present at any Annual General Meeting, or at any other time as required (on reasonable notice to him)by the Main Committee, an accurate report and statement concerning the finances of the Club, making a separate statement with regard to the purchase and supply of intoxicating liquor for the preceding year or current year as the case may be, and shall present such report and statement accordingly.
10.5 The Clubs Bankers are HSBC Limited, Brentwood Branch. The signatories shall be such as may from time to time be decided by the Main Committee. Two signatures are required for any transaction over £250.
10.6 All expenditure of Club funds for any purpose shall be made only with the specific authority of the Main Committee and recorded in the minutes of Main Committee meetings.For practical purposes the Main Committee may delegate authority to elected Club Officials or Sub-Committees to expend limited funds for such specific functions or one-off projects asthe Committee may determine from time to time. No Club Official or Sub-Committee shallexceed delegated funds without the prior authority of the Main Committee except in an emergency subject to consultation with the Chairman and Treasurer.Any authority so delegated for this purpose shall be recorded in the minutes.
10.7 For the purposes of 10.6 above, the term "club funds" shall include all and any expenditure for Club purposes whatever the source (ie including expenditure of grant funds, awards or donations of any kind.)
10.8 The Main Committee shall also maintain a Scheme of Delegation to ensure that expenditure associated with routine management of the Club can be authorised without need to refer to the Committee on every occasion. The Scheme of Delegation shall specify the Club Officials or sub-Committees to whom authority is delegated and the financial limits of that authority for any individual transaction, project/event or class of expenditure. TheScheme of Delegation can only be varied with the consent of the Main Committee.
10.9 All Capital expenditure shall have due regard to the most recent version of theClub Development Plan and to the priorities established within it.
11. Disclosure
Annual Club statements of account must be made available for inspection by any member and all Club records may be inspected by any Committee member.
12. Intoxicating Liquor
The supply of intoxicating liquor in the Club premises shall only be permitted as follows:
11.00 to 23.30 Monday to Sunday.
Unless an extension from the council has been applied for and granted from the local authority.
The opening hours of the Club: Monday to Sunday 10.00 to 23.50
12.2 No intoxicating liquor shall be supplied to members or to any other person on the Clubpremises otherwise than by or on behalf of the Club. Intoxicating liquor shall not be supplied to any other person under the age of 18 years.
12.3 The Club may sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises to bona fide visitors attending the Club premises for the purpose of participation in games or social activities organised by the Club or for private functions under the supervision of the Club.
12.4 The internal organisation and operation of the bar will be managed by the Bar Manager appointed for the purpose at the Annual General Meeting.
12.5 No person shall be paid at the expense of the Club any commission percentage or similar payment on or with reference to purchase of intoxicating liquor by the Club; nor shall person directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit for the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Club to members or guests, apart from any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole.
13. Amendments to this Constitution
Any amendments to this constitution must be approved by a majority comprising two thirds or more of the members present and entitled to vote at a Main Committee Meeting of the Club and should be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting. Any proposed amendments will be sent to the Committee members well in advance so they have sufficient time for aninformed opinion. Prior to the next AGM, all other members eligible to vote will also receive the details in good time.
14. Winding Up the Club
14.1 The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than three quarters of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting.
14.2 The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club's affairs.
14.3 After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to another organisation with similar objects to the Club.
Adopted at a meeting held on 16th November 2020 at Shenfield Cricket Club
Signed by the Chair of the Meeting
Name {Print) Martin Ekers Signature
{The Club Secretary has the signed document}
Appendix 1
Code of Conduct for all Players, Members and Guests
1. Shenfield Cricket Club is committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct. This Code of Conduct incorporates the Spirit of Cricket. It applies to all matches played byShenfield Cricket Club and to the behaviour and conduct of players, members and guests.
2. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
3. Players, members and guests must treat the pavilion and grounds with respect. Do not leave a mess for others to clear up; players must support their Captains in the pre-game set up and post game tidy up.
4. Any discriminatory, aggressive or abusive behaviour, comments or actions against fellow players, officials, members and supporters will not be tolerated and will be the subject of disciplinaryaction. Shenfield Cricket Club welcomes all players, members and guests irrespective of ethnic backgrounds or cultures.
5. Captains and Team Managers must exercise suitable control over their teams, not allow dissent at umpire decisions and generally ensure play is conducted within the ECB Code of Conduct, the Spirit of Cricket and within the Laws.
6. No-one shall use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs.
Appendix 2
ECB Code of Conduct and Spirit of Cricket
1. The ECB is committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct. This Code of Conduct incorporates the Spirit of Cricket, as set out below. It applies to all matches played under the auspices of the ECB and may be applied to cricket in general.
2. The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as within the Laws.
3. Players and team officials must at all times accept the umpire's decision. Players must not showdissent at the umpire's decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards an umpire at any time.
4. Players and team officials shall not intimidate assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player or a spectator.
5. Players and team officials shall not use crude and/or abusive language (known as sledging) nor make offensive gestures or hand signals nor deliberately distract an opponent.
6. Players and team officials shall not make racially abusive comments nor indulge in racially abusive actions against fellow players, officials, members and supporters. Clubs must operate anactive open door membership policy whilst respecting player qualification regulations and welcome players/members irrespective of ethnic origin.
7. Players and team officials shall not use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs.
8. Clubs must take adequate steps to ensure the good behaviour of their members and supporters towards players and umpires.
Appendix 3
Statement of Core Values
To provide a top quality environment that encourages success and supports participation, whilst acting as a hub for cricket development within the local community.
The Club Soul -Ensure that the wellbeing and development of individual players is central to Shenfield CC. Encourage SCC & Cricket for ALL and enjoy being part of a team and part of the sec family.
Enjoy the success of everyone -Be dynamic, creative & value Shenfield CC players, coaches and volunteers who run our Club.
Provide strong morals on and off the pitch. Uphold the tradition of camaraderie with teammates and opposition. Observe fair play both on and off the pitch. Be generous in victory and dignified in defeat.
Help and assist to raise standards both for and in cooperation with the local area and its residents.
Always push standards in training, coaching and in matches. Play to win and recognise both endeavor and achievement.
Enjoyment is the reason we support sec. We encourage players to enjoy training and playing, using our sport to adopt a healthy lifestyle and build life skills. We safeguard our young players and help them have fun.
Mutual respect for all, our sport and Club, its values and traditions and earn the respect of others in the way we behave. Respect our match officials, their decisions, opposition players and supporters.
The Spirit of Cricket
© Marylebone Cricket Club
Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only withinits Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.
1. There are two Laws which place responsibility for the team's conduct firmly on the captain.
Responsibility of captains
The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Game as well as within the Laws.
Player's conduct
In the event of a player failing to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticising by word or action thedecision of an umpire, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring the game into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpire and to the player's captain, and instruct the latter to take action.
2. Fair and unfair play
According to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play.
The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action where required.
3. The umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of:
Time wasting Damaging the pitch
Dangerous or unfair bowling Tampering with the ball
Any other action that they consider to be unfair
4. The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for:
Your opponentsYour own captain
The roles of the umpires
The game's traditional values
5. It is against the Spirit of the Game:
To dispute an umpire's decision by word, action or gesture To directabusive language towards an opponent or umpire To indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance:
(a) to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out
(b) to advance towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing
(c) to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one's own side
6. Violence
There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.
7. Players
Captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expected to make an important contribution towards this.
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